Looking back, I find it hard to believe it has only been 7 months with all that we have been through. This journey with Baby Girl Z has surely been more of a roller coaster than I ever guessed the day I said "yes" to her placement. The game surely changed when I became a single mother of two . . .
You are my sunshine
12 weeks ago today my world changed in a way I really wasn't prepared for... Just 12 days before my life had forever changed when I adopted my son Grayson. Whose name was chosen because by the merciful "grace of God" I had been granted the son I had so longed for and prayed for... . . .
God is moving mountains
These last few weeks, I just can't believe how quickly things have progressed and lined themselves out better than I could have imagined. Just a few weeks ago I would have said that I was doubtful we would make the June 8th date because it just didn't seem possible with the rate at which everything . . .
We’re almost there!
This week finally felt like our prayers were being answered. His ongoing caseworker had been on unexpected personal leave for nearly two months. In the meantime, a new caseworker was provided... whom we saw once to meet the state's monthly visit requirement. After that, it was . . .
A few of my favorite baby things
Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit - One of the first gifts I recieved from a dear highschool friend with a warning that it looks ridiculous but she swore it worked miracles... and ever since I put it on Lil G he hardly goes a night without it. Not the cheapest sleepsuit or sack, but it has . . .