I had to double take the 20 days on his medical band this afternoon at the doctor… He has experienced so much love from friends, family and coworkers in such a short period of time. He’s one lucky little guy!!
The support from our close and extended network has been amazing. Every sweet comment, every meal, every call, every note, every gift, every hug, every helping hand… It’s been more support than I ever imagined and we are sooo so grateful. It’s truly amazing how these tiny humans have not only changed my life but have also impacted those around us who love them dearly. I truly hope every child, but even more specifically each foster child feels the love that my children recieve from our friends and family. The reality is that many don’t, which is why half the children I have fostered were from parents who were also foster children at one time. I pray the cycle breaks for each of my children and they will never know the fear of losing a child to the foster system.
I don’t know how “Baby Boy’s” mom could do what she did, but I am so amazed that I have a chance to be his mommy for the rest of my days. He is beautiful and so precious!
He’s taking longer than the doctors hope to gain weight, which lands us at the doctors office once a week. I was so happy when he finally beat his birth weight by 1oz today at 6lbs 4oz…. A marker they wished he had met a week ago. The doctors would prefer he be at 7lbs by now which would mean gaining twice what he has in 3 weeks! Luckily he isn’t losing, so we can continue to try to get more frequent feedings in hopes to get the weight increasing more rapidly. He has migrated from preemie diapers to newborn and some of the newborn clothes actually have started to fit. He’s awake and looking around quite often and it’s fun to count his multiple sneezes… As high as 6 in a row one day this week.
As for his older brother, it’s definitely taking some time to adjust to both another baby and Grammy in the house. He’s not too interested in the baby, other than crying when I’m holding Baby Boy rather than him. He is also going through a growth spurt and more teeth are coming in, so he is quite fussy, but he loves the ladies stopping by to give him to special TLC and playing hide and seek!
The futures for both are still quite uncertain, but it appears we will be a full house for at least a couple more months before Big L will return home to his parents. The home visits continue from the caseworkers and guardians, but no clear paths for what lies ahead. I pray that Baby Boy’s court date in two weeks grants me permission to finally name this little one! It’s definitely awkward when people ask his name… To strangers I mostly just answer with the name I have given him but with those close I usually say it’s officially “Boy” in case I end up not being the one to name him over the next few weeks. I don’t even know if he officially has a birth certificate.
Nevertheless, “Boy” has been blessed with lots of love, formula and sleep in his first 20 days and I will continue to cherish each day no matter whether it’s weeks, months or years that we have left together.
Thank you again to each and everyone of you have supported us along this journey… We feel so loved and couldn’t do this without your support! I truly believe it takes an army to raise a child and I have the best army by my side 🙂